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Promoting Positive Educational Experiences Through Exploration and Discovery
Creative's Young Learners program is designed to provide a nurturing environment while emphasizing physical, fine motor, and social/emotional skills to develop into important growth milestones.
The Young Learners program utilizes the Creative Curriculum which helps children engage in natural curiosity for hands-on investigative learning using familiar items such as brushes, paper, balls, and rock. In conjunction with the curriculum, we use Teaching Strategies for online data, collecting on your child's progress and development.
A Day in Young Learners
Each day is different in early childhood education, but providing support for children to grow and succeed are important in the daily routine. Your child's day will consist of the following:
Circle time: Children learn the rules of sitting together while engaging in numbers, colors, shapes, and songs.
American Sign Language interaction through the word of the week, daily routine, and stories.
Sensory play: Children actively participate in a themed, small group sensory project.
Outdoor time: Twice daily to promote physical development
Free play: At this age, children learn best through exploration of different learning centers with theme-related materials added weekly to encourage engagement.
Self-help skills: Promoted through potty-training, putting on their jacket with a helpful teacher, and washing hands throughout the day.

Butterfly Release Project
Each spring, our Young Learners raise Monarch butterflies. Children watch caterpillars transform into chrysalis to their final stage, breaking out of their cocoon. Each time Young Learners come into the classroom, they see the butterflies they raised in their habitat net, practicing to fly. Children then release the butterflies around the center. From time to time, the same butterflies stop by the center to see the children for a visit.
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