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Before-and-After School Programs
Our School-Age Program is designed to provide children with socialization, assistance with homework, and mentoring children. Our School-Age teachers provide a variety of fun activities to engage with specific interests and needs.
Study Hall is a separate class that parents can sign up for if they wish their child to participate. Classrooms are separated to help children maintain focus on homework while other children focus on leisurely activities.
Whether attending in the morning or afternoon, there is always something to do. For instance, the morning is relaxed and involves learning centers and games with the teachers, while the afternoon is designated for outdoor and team sport activities, promoting movement.

Before-School Care
For your convenience, our doors open at 6:30 A.M. In the morning, students report to our School-Age classroom and will have the opportunity to explore an abundance of activity centers. The School-Agers are offered a light breakfast from 8:00 A.M.-8:30 A.M in the lunchroom. At 8:30 A.M, students are escorted to the Myersville Elementary School by certified staff members. In the event of inclement weather, students will be transported on the Creative Children's Center's Bus.

After-School Care
We transport students from Myersville Elementary School at 3:45 and transition to our School-Age classroom. We offer a snack at 3:45 P.M each day. From 4:00-4:30 P.M, we offer a structured Study Hall program, administered by a certified staff member. Students receive one-on-one tutoring in a quiet, educational environment. Homework time is an optional service provided at no charge. Most students complete their homework before going home.

Creative started the organic vegetable garden in 2018 to emphasize on "Farm to Table" learning experience for the children in our community to promote healthier eating habits.
Every spring, our School Age students participates in the planting and watering of the garden. The garden includes various vegetables and herbs. Students tends to the plants throughout the summer. Children harvest the produce and create healthy alternative snacks to the food menu from cucumbers and hummus to baking homemade bread from scratch using the herbs from the garden.
Organic Vegetable Garden Project
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